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Week 5

  • Archbishop Costelloe: Pope calling us to become more synodal

    “It’s all about recognising that we all have a part to play,” Archbishop Costelloe said, explaining that Pope Francis, throughout his pontificate, has been striving “to shift the Church’s culture to one of active engagement in this task of being the visible sign that Christ is with us.” By Christopher Wells, Vatican News.

  • Synodality and the Future of the Catholic Church: A Journey towards Communion, Participation and Mission

    Facilitated by visiting scholar Fr Eamonn Conway, the talk series Synodality and The Future of The Catholic Church: A Journey Towards Communion, Participation and Mission was held at the Centre for Faith Enrichment on Thursdays 2 March and 9 March attracted more than 40 participants who were able to ask questions throughout the sessions.

  • Synod demands 'non-defensive' listening says Archbishop Costelloe

    Archbishop Costelloe has emerged as a leading figure in the church’s synodal reform process in Australia and globally. He was part of the Frascati team that synthesised the worldwide synodal dialogues and was recently appointed to the planning committee organising the synod assembly in October.

  • Oceania bishops finalise response to Synod’s working document

    The new executive council of the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania recently met via videoconference, along with members of the discernment and writing group tasked with drafting the Oceania response.