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Week 4

  • Doubleview Parish to celebrate 50th anniversary

    Members of Perth’s school and parish communities, especially any who have a past association with Doubleview, are warmly invited to attend any of the upcoming as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations.

  • ‘Synodal Reform in the Church’ - new podcast now available

    In this episode, we hear from Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference President and Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB who is part of the team preparing the global synod summit. As a senior figure in the Australian Catholic Church, he has been deeply involved in synodality, and what it means for the Church.

  • Applecross Parish commits to combatting Modern Slavery

    The faith formation and social education session at St Mary’s Cathedral saw 17 participants enjoy a morning tea while learning about the church response to modern slavery and what they could do as individuals to assist.

  • SYNOD 2023: Church must be united but not uniform, say synod organisers

    "I think one of the most important things we have experienced during these ecclesial, continental assemblies, is that there is in fact more than one way of being the church," said Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe of Perth, a member of the Synod preparatory commission and President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.