Carmelites - The Order of Brothers of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (OCarm)

- Address
Carmelite Provincial Office,75 Wright Street, Middle Park VIC 3206, Australia
- Phone
(03) 9699 1922
- Fax
(03) 9699 1944
- Email
- Website
Rome, Italy
Archdiocese Houses
Upper Room
2 Rattan Cove, Warnbro WA 6169, Australia

Founded by a group of hermits in the 12th century on Mount Carmel, Israel. The first written rule was given by St Albert of Jerusalem in c. 1209. Introduced to Australia in the Diocese of Adelaide from Dublin, Ireland, in 1881. First WA community established at Hilton Parish in 1956. 

Resident in Archdiocese
Rev Fr Marius DAWSON Ocarm