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Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM)

- Address
40A Mary St, Highgate WA 6003, Australia
- Mailing
Catholic Pastoral Centre
40A Mary Street, Highgate WA 6003, Australia
- Phone
(08) 9422 7912
- Fax
(08) 9328 2833
- Email
- Website
Organisation Details

Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM) is the official Archdiocesan agency supporting and promoting youth ministry in the Archdiocese of Perth. Our aim is to assist young adults to build a deep and lasting relationship with Jesus and to help them find their place in the Church and the world.  

CYM's mission is to walk with young people on their faith journey and inspire them to build communities - that are vibrant places for young people to encounter Christ, engage with the Church and be a witness to their faith in their everyday life.  

CYM provides a resource centre, advice to parishes, and leadership training programs, and distributes information on youth events. 

Rev Fr Joseph Peter LAUNDY
Mr Adam Phillips


Instagram: @cym_perth  

Youtube: CYM Perth Media  



Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM)