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Catholic Ministry with Deaf and Hard of Hearing People

- Address
25 Windsor St, Perth WA 6000, Australia
- Mailing
25 Windsor St, Perth WA 6000, Australia
- Phone
9328 8113 (voice)
- Email
- Website
- Established
Organisation Details

Provides help and counselling, Bible discussion, Masses, Sacrament preparation and social events. Provides opportunities for ongoing faith development and work experience. Offers regular basic courses in AUSLAN. Loans portable combination PA systems and audio induction loop. Provides sign language consultants and interpreters, PowerPoint for Mass readings and some parts of the Holy Bible in AUSLAN. Provides Mass interpreter and PowerPoint for deaf and hard of hearing people at St Francis Church, Windsor Street, Perth every Sunday at 9.30am. 


(voice) (08) 9328 8113  

(SMS only) 0478 264 335