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Catholic Education Western Australia Limited (CEWA)

- Address
50 Ruislip Street, Leederville W WA 6007, Australia
- Mailing
PO Box 198, Leederville WA 6903, Australia
- Phone
(08) 9380 1800
- Fax
(08) 9381 3201
- Email
- Website
- Established
Organisation Details

The Catholic Education system in Western Australia provides a dynamic, student centred approach to education for more than 74,000 young people in 158 schools and colleges across the state. 

With a focus on the development of the whole person - intellectual, spiritual, social, physical and emotional development - Catholic Education is the state’s second largest education sector, educating some 18% of all school-aged children in Western Australia. Unlike any other state in Australia, Catholic schools in Western Australia are united as a system, with the four dioceses - Perth, Bunbury, Geraldton and Broome - all collaborating to provide Quality Catholic Schooling across the state. 

