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Mariapolis 2018

Join us for a time of recreation and renewal in faith, organised by the Focolare Movement, the Mariapolis, which literally means ‘city of Mary’. The event, at the Orchard Glory Farm Resort in Chittering Valley, Friday 2 March to Monday 5 March, offers a great way to pause and reorient, while enjoying the company of others, in a relaxing environment. Everyone, young and not so young, is welcome: families, singles and children. At different times, children sessions will be available, as well. Daily reflections in the morning will explore in what way Mary can be a treasured model for every Christian of our times. During the day outings and thematic and creative workshops will be optional. After dinner, different activities are offered. There is also the possibility to attend Mass and Evensong. Further info:; or; Aida 08 9349 4052 or 0452 594 049.