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Centre for Faith Enrichment

- Address
33 Williamstown Road, Doubleview WA 6018, Australia
- Mailing
Newman Siena Centre
33 Williamstown Road, Doubleview WA 6018, Australia
- Phone
08 9278 0261
- Email
- Website
- Established
Umbrella Organisation
Catholic Archdiocese of Perth
Organisation Details

The Centre for Faith Enrichment (formerly the Maranatha Centre) is the official adult faith formation agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. The Centre for Faith Enrichment offers short daytime, evening and weekend courses on a wide range of topics at various locations throughout Perth and online. Our courses are presented in a relaxed and friendly environment – with no exams or assignments – and are open to all who are seeking to explore questions of life, faith and meaning. The Centre for Faith Enrichment also awards scholarships for biblical studies through the B.J. Hickey Biblical Foundation.  

If you would like the Centre for Faith Enrichment to present an adult faith formation program in your parish or community, please contact us! 

Dr Marco Ceccarelli

Associated Groups: The Biblical Foundation