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Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary

- Address
26 Camboon Road, Morley WA 6062, Australia
- Phone
(08) 9275 7411
- Email
- Website
Organisation Details

Seminary for the formation of men for the priesthood in the Neocatechumenal Way  

The Archdiocesan Missionary "Redemptoris Mater" Seminary is a completely new reality, desired by the Second Vatican Council in the decree Presbyterorum Ordinis where, in article no. 10, it says:  

“The presbyters should remember that concern for all the Churches falls on them... and where it is necessary (because of a lack of clergy) not only a functional distribution of Presbyters should be facilitated, but also the implementation of special initiatives that will favour particular regions or nations or the whole world. To this end, the creation of International Seminaries for the good of the whole Church according to norms to be established and respecting the rights of the local Ordinary would be useful.”