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Kora Centre Incorporated

- Address
54 Lawrence St, Bayswater WA 6053, Australia
- Mailing
54 Lawrence St, Bayswater WA 6053, Australia
- Phone
(08) 9271 9031
- Fax
(08) 9271 9031
- Website
- Established
Umbrella Organisation
Servite Sisters
Organisation Details

KORA CENTRE, a non-profit organisation was established in 1977. Initially KORA provided programs for aboriginal adults, children and youth. Later, the centre moved to Lawrence Street, Bayswater. In accordance with the Servite Charism of "Compassion" towards women and children, the Servite Sisters saw a profound need of an increasing number of Aboriginal people and stepped in to provide meaningful activities and services. On 7 September 2006, Kora became an incorporated body and is now known as Kora Centre Incorporated. It operates under a Board of Management.  



KORA CENTRE INCORPORATED aims to uplift the quality of life of disadvantaged families through the provision of meaningful activities and programs according to the funding availabilities, so that they can reach their full potential and contribute to the society in which they live. The centre now caters not only for Aboriginal children but children from all backgrounds for example children of single parents, migrants and women housed in Women's Refuges.  



  • To develop spiritual, physical, emotional and intellectual growth.
  • To provide a caring environment, to develop healthy habits and to bring forth a people proud of their culture and heritage.
  • To provide an environment where young children can enjoy their childhood and be prepared for entry to school.
  • To nurture and maintain the diverse and individual culture and tradition of children through appropriate programs and activities.
  • To develop literacy and numeracy skills.



Currently, Kora runs a child care service for children aged 2 to 6 for three days per week. The centre is presently licensed for 19 children. Children attend from 8.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. They are given a fruit time break in the morning and a hot lunch in the afternoon. The children also develop good social skills by participating in our program which enables them to mix with other children and to learn good habits of sharing and co-operation. The daily program includes both indoor and outdoor activities, storytelling, singing, art and craft and besides being fun-filled, it gives children the necessary preparation for entry to school.